
Early Life

Denisha Julea was born November 10, 1992. She has been into performing arts and entertainment since the age of 3. She started out modeling with her twin brother Dennis for children’s stores. At the age of 5, Denisha landed her first magazine. She was on the cover of the Twin’s Magazine and had a 3 page spread.  Throughout her childhood she modeled for big companies. She even won several model competitions and was selected to sign with top agencies. At the age of 10, she was signed to Hillary Beckford (mother of top model Tyson Beckford). After signing with Beckford, she did PSA commercials and had the opportunity to be casted for films . Denisha fell in love with acting, especially comedic acting. She trained with celebrity acting coach/director Tracy Moore, Ugly Betty’s Director Silvio Hora, and Madelyn Burns just to name a few. Denisha’s most recognizable performance is her 5 Characters in 5 minutes sketch.  This sketch notably showed her range of acting by highlighting   how she could transition in and out of completely different characters. Denisha wrote her own monologues and directed her own plays. A lot of her pieces had important messages and lessons that could relate to all ages.

Adult Life

Denisha Julea was honored by the City of Philadelphia and presented with an award by radio host Pattie Jackson for being an outstanding young woman in the community. Although she has always been a resident of South Jersey, she did a lot of community service through-out the city of Philadelphia including using her talents to entertain the sick and shut in. In her early 20’s she realized she was a visionary and had a passion for helping people. She love the idea of art telling stories; her focus became geared toward the art of acting, fashion, and modeling.  Denisha decided to retire her on stage presence and began working behind the scenes. On Denisha’s 25 birthday, her twin brother gifted her with a sewing machine and mannequin to follow her dreams in fashion.  Denisha had no prior experience of fashion designing but she knew she could create. Denisha draped her first gown with a tablecloth.  That day gave birth to her dreams, aspirations, and passion to own her own fashion business. Denisha officially launched her business Denisha Julea Inc. in December of 2018. On June 8, 2019 while directing a beauty expo, Denisha received news that her father past away untimely, just 2 weeks before her first fashion show. Although she was devastated, she continued to follow her dreams as her father would’ve wanted her too. In 2019 Denisha headlined for an official New York Fashion Week and Los Angles Fashion Week show. She did over 10 shows and was invited to present to over 25 shows nationally and internationally.   Her first collection Mother Earth received fantastic feedback from the fashion industry, fashion moguls, and even the Indie Fashion Awards. Her pieces were published in 5 magazines. In 2020,  Denisha won the 2020 Regal Award for her fashion business. Her designs have been compared to Chanel by Hyer Magazine. In her free time , she teaches  acting and model workshops. Denisha Julea aspires to be a longevity brand, open a talent agency, and break into film directing in the near future. She is now recognized as one of the hottest upcoming Luxury Designers!

 In Her Own Words

“I’m so grateful that my mother dressed me like a babydoll when I was younger . I fell in love with clothing and being stylish . I can look back and see that I found what I loved to do at a very young age . I take so much pride in designing all my products.  Follow your dreams that you are passionate about. I want to inspire others to just do it! It doesn’t matter your age, the naysayers, the tragedy in your life, or your finances …just step out on faith and fly. God blessed me with so many opportunities in just my first year of launching my brand. Fashion is my passion but it is deeper than that. I want all women to feel confident in my pieces. I am all about inclusiveness and women crowning each other.  Women should embrace femininity and Be Bold, Be Beautiful, Be Fierce! “